Two for the price of one

The commissioner requested her current dog and her previous, late, pooch be drawn in the same frame. As I usually draw architecture, this was quite a challenge.

I would normally use either fineliner pens or dip pen and ink with a mapping nib. This time I tried out my new Narwhal fountain pen and Cobalt black ink, and I’m pleased with the result.

Contact me if you have a commission you’d like to discuss.

Dog Dora

I like drawing buildings, houses, architecture – but animals not so much. I’ll have a go if asked, and that’s what happened with Dora. I was asked if I did pet portraits, and I said it would be good for my personal development to do another one. It could be that others may follow, as she turned out better than I expected.

Dora is drawn with UniPin fine liners with added graphite shading. A5 framed.